NTU CS Year 1

2 years ago


5 min read

Morning folks, I've been wanting to write a review for my uni life but I've been too busy (lazy) ๐Ÿ˜ฌ Well, let's get it done today! I will be going through all the courses I took in my first year and write about my thoughts, experience and rating of them.

My uni journey begins with Y1S1. This sem I took only 15AUs of modules, so it was pretty relaxed I'd say. I was also doing the majority of this sem online so you already know productivity is at it's all time low. Hence, the 4.46 GPA. ๐Ÿ’€

SC1003 Intro to Programming (Core)

My first ever programming course. Lecturers were average and the classes were kinda boring. Python and C were taught from the basics like variables, loops and classes. Assignments were chill, made a student record system I think. Did okay on the exams except for the section about pointers in C. ๐Ÿ˜ต

Final Grade: A
Rating: 3/5

SC1013 Physics for Computing (Core)

Honestly mid course. The things taught were useless and not helpful, not sure why is this even in the curriculum. ๐Ÿ˜ด

Final Grade: P
Rating: 1/5

MH1810 Mathematics 1 (Core)

A general math course, covered a lot of topics I learned in A Level Further Maths like Vectors, Matrices, Calculus, Complex Numbers etc. Lecturer was good and assignment were manageable. ๐Ÿค“

Final Grade: A+
Rating: 4/5

MH1812 Discrete Mathematics (Core)

Not gonna lie I'm not a fan. Topics covered were functions, sets, relations and graph theory. Involves a lot of proving and "debating". First half lecturer was decent but second half was bad. Needs a lot of practice to be good. Finals was tough compared to past years, sorta flunked it ๐Ÿ˜ช

Final Grade: B+
Rating: 3/5

CC0002 Navigating The Digital World (ICC)

Chill course, topics thought were basic knowledge about technology. I enjoyed the Excel section thought. Got carried in group assignments and quizzes were okay as well. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

Final Grade: A-
Rating: 4/5

CC0003 Ethics & Civics In A Multicultural World (ICC)

My literal nightmare, this course still haunts me till this day. Very poor course planning with too much workload for just 2AU. Luckily they readjusted after week 7. Debate screwed me over big time because I have no interest whatsoever on our topic. Hope they abolish this course. ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿผ

Final Grade: B
Rating: 1/5

Moving on with Y1S2, I was more adapted to how the system works so I was more prepared. This was also when I accepted the Accelerated Bachelor Programme (ABP) to graduate 0.5 years earlier so I had to start overloading this sem. I took 22AUs including one 1AU MOOC. Nevertheless, I sticked to my plan and it worked out, got a 4.89 GPA. ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿผ

SC1007 Data Structures and Algorithms (Core)

Arguably the killer module of this sem. Make sure to have a strong foundation in C programming or you'll be toasted by the weekly assignments. Seeing the email notification for a new assignemnt gave me PTSD. Topics covered were Linked Lists, Trees, Stacks & Queues, Dynamic Programming, Hash Tables etc. 1st half lecturer gave killer questions but his teaching was decent compared to the 2nd half's one. Still, a very important module to prepare for technical interviews later on. โ—

Final Grade: A+
Rating: 4/5

SC1005 Digital Logic (Core)

Decent module. Taught us about logic gates, boolean algebra and electronic components like transistors and latches. Labs were challenging but fun. Both lecturers were great. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

Final Grade: A+
Rating: 4/5

SC1006 Computer Organization and Architecture (Core)

Builds on SC1005. Has a heavy focus on computer hardwares and the theory behind how computer works. Both lecturers were superb, made the module much more enjoyable even if I'm not a big fan of hardware. Important foundation for hardware modules later. ๐Ÿ‘€

Final Grade: A+
Rating: 5/5

SC1004 Linear Algebra (Core)

I got lucky with this module. Heard from seniors there used to be labs using MATLAB and that it was very hard. But now they scrapped that and it become easier. If you did well in MH1810, this one should be no problem as well. Both lecturers were bad though so expect a lot of self study. ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

Final Grade: A+
Rating: 3/5

SC1015 Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (F-Core)

A very great module taught by enthusiastic lecturers. Has a steep bell curve though as quizzes are relatively easy (I screwed up the 2nd quiz ๐Ÿ˜ญ). Taught in Python and has a final group project. ๐Ÿ

Final Grade: A-
Rating: 5/5

EG1001 Engineers in Society (F-Core)

Theory-heavy module teaching the history of engineering. Focuses a lot on presentation skills so be sure to find great groupmates. ๐Ÿง

Final Grade: A+
Rating: 4/5

CC0005 Healthy Living & Wellbeing (ICC)

Another great module. Both lecturers were great, I really looked forward to tutorial classes each week. Do well on presentations and you'll be okay. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

Final Grade: A
Rating: 5/5

CC0001 Inquiry & Communication In An Interdisciplinary World (ICC)

An essay writing module. Have to come up with an op-ed by the end of the sem but don't worry as the lecturer will guide you. Was hoping for an A but oh well ๐Ÿค”

Final Grade: A-
Rating: 4/5

MOOC The Science of Wellbeing (BDE)

Very insightful free course on Coursera that goes in-depth through what makes us happy, highly recommend! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

Final Grade: P
Rating: 5/5

Looking back at my first year, I realised that I have learned and grown a lot. I'm grateful for everything and everyone that led me to where I am today. I'm looking forward to what my second year has in store for me, hopefully not a lot of sleepless night. ๐Ÿคฃ

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